Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Using Technology to Maximize EfficiencyUsing Technology to Maximize Efficiency

Posted on February 17, 2012 by Debbie Dragon
How many times have you heard the saying, “time is money”? It’s never been more true for the small business owner who simply can’t afford to waste time. Technology offers countless opportunities to maximize efficiency within your business operations, and therefore, save you time. When your business is operating efficiency, it gives you more time to market your business and increase sales.

How Technology Can Maximize Business Efficiency

Computers and technology allow for faster processing of data, easier retrieval of information, and in some cases – automation can reduce or replace physical employees. When people perform tasks by hand, it can be time consuming and full of human errors. When technology is used for repetitive operations, mistakes are reduced or eliminated, and the time it takes to complete the task is greatly reduced.
Consider how credit cards are accepted as payment with modern technology compared to the past: once upon a time, employees had to take a physical impression of the credit card with a little hand tool that pressed the card against carbon paper and transferred the image onto a piece of paper. Today, credit cards are swiped through a small card reader and payment is made. Orders are processed much faster, making it possible for employees to service more customers in the same amount of time.
In addition to making processes quicker, technology also makes it easy to keep information up to date. Instead of searching through a room of file cabinets and trying to guess how information was stored in order to update a customer address, a few clicks of the mouse and can pull up a customer file from a database. What used to take several minutes to an hour can now be done instantly.
When you know what technology can do for your business, chances are you’ll want to implement technological solutions to make your own business more efficient. Here are some ideas to get you started…

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